Cannabis and Yoga: A Match Made in Mindful Heaven

by Angela G
Girl meditating in the park on a yoga mat

While May is considered Mental Health Month, prioritizing our well-being and practices that promote mental health and wellness should be at the top of the to-do list every day. In recent years, cannabis and yoga have gained popularity as means for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression and promoting overall mental and emotional balance. 

Combining these practices can create a powerful synergy, deepening the mind-body connection and promoting relaxation and mindfulness. Are there any benefits of combining yoga and weed for mental health? Let’s dive into our insider tips for those interested in incorporating these practices into their self-care routine.

The History of Cannabis and Yoga

The use of cannabis in spiritual practices dates back thousands of years, with evidence of its use found in ancient Indian texts. In Hinduism, cannabis is associated with the god Shiva and is often used in rituals and offerings. Similarly, in Buddhism, cannabis enhanced meditation and promoted a more profound sense of inner peace.

Yoga is also rooted in ancient India, with the earliest recorded yoga text, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, written around 200 BCE. Yoga was once practiced to achieve spiritual enlightenment and was closely tied to meditation and other mindfulness practices.

The Benefits of Combining Cannabis and Yoga

The benefits of yoga and cannabis

Combining weed and yoga can lead to a range of benefits, which include the following:

  • Increased relaxation 
  • Stress relief
  • Heightened sensory awareness 
  • Body consciousness
  • Enhanced creativity and focus
  • Deepened meditation and spiritual experiences

Cannabis can help release pain and physical tension, promoting relaxation, especially for those who struggle with chronic pain. It also helps reduce inflammation which can often be a barrier to a successful session. By alleviating inflammation, cannabis can allow for greater ease of movement.

The plant’s ability to enhance sensory awareness can also lead to a deeper connection with the body, making it easier to tune in to the physical sensations of yoga poses and movements.

Combining cannabis and yoga can be particularly beneficial for people struggling with anxiety. They can achieve a calmer head space, which helps to ease self-consciousness and alleviate stress.

Additionally, cannabis has been shown to promote creativity and focus, which can be particularly useful for enhancing meditation practice. Its ability to stimulate the imagination and foster a sense of flow can help to facilitate a more meaningful and rewarding weed and meditation experience.

How to Incorporate Cannabis into Your Yoga Practice

If you’re interested in imbibing cannabis into your yoga practice, there are several things to remember. Here are some tips for how to do so safely and effectively:

Find the Correct Weed Strain and Dosage for Your Needs

Different strains of cannabis can have vastly different effects, so you might want to do some research and experimentation to find the right one for you. You can go with one of these:

  • Harlequin: It’s high in CBD and low in THC, making it a popular choice for those seeking pain relief, stress reduction, and relaxation.
  • Blue Dream: It’s a hybrid strain providing a cerebral boost and physical relaxation. It is best for an uplifting and energizing yoga practice.
  • Sour Diesel: This Sativa-dominant strain is known for its energizing and uplifting effects. It is best for a more active and dynamic yoga practice.
  • OG Kush: It’s an Indica-dominant strain known for its calming and relaxing effects and is ideal for therapeutic and meditative yoga practice.

Also, find the correct dosage for your needs. Microdosing will depend on factors such as your tolerance and experience level, so it may take some trial and error to find the perfect amount. Here’s how to find the right dose:

Choose a Suitable Consumption Method

Several options include smoking, vaping, edibles, and tinctures. Smoking and vaping are the most common methods of cannabis consumption and can provide immediate and potent effects.

Edibles provide a long-lasting, subtle high. However, it can be challenging to control the dosage of edibles, so start with a small amount (preferably half an edible) and wait at least an hour before consuming the second half (if you still feel nothing after another hour, you can pop another edible half). Alternatively, tinctures are a liquid form of cannabis taken orally or added to food or drinks. They provide a quick and convenient way to consume cannabis.

Please note: If you’re using cannabis for medical purposes, please seek a medical professional’s advice before attempting to use cannabis to treat existing health problems.

Yoga Poses and Sequences for Cannabis-Enhanced Practice

yoga poses for an enhanced cannabis experience

Once you have found the right cannabis strain and consumption method, it is time to integrate it into your yoga practice. There are several recommended yoga poses for your next marijuana and meditation session.

  • Gentle stretches: Simple stretches like seated forward folds, spinal twists, and shoulder rolls can help to warm up the body and release tension.
  • Restorative poses: Restorative poses like the supported bridge pose, supported child’s pose, and reclining bound angle pose can help to promote deep relaxation and stress relief.
  • Slow-flow sequences: Slow-flow sequences that focus on connecting movement with breath can create a sense of flow and ease in the body.

Create a safe and comfortable environment with soft lighting, calming music, and any tools you may need for your practice.

Finding Balance and Mindfulness with Cannabis and Yoga

People practicing yoga on the beach

Remember that everyone’s experience with marijuana and yoga will be different. While some may find it a transformative and profoundly spiritual experience, others may find it overwhelming or distracting. Approach cannabis-enhanced yoga practice with an open mind and a willingness to experiment.

To find the right balance, start with a small amount of cannabis and gradually increase the dosage as needed. It can also be helpful to practice yoga without cannabis to get a sense of your baseline level of awareness and relaxation. And if you’re looking for high-quality cannabis for your yoga practice, be sure to check out Grassdoor, your one-stop shop for all things cannabis.

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