Is Marijuana Addictive?

by David Gonzalez

Canna fans have been consuming weed in various ways for medicinal and recreational purposes for many years. However—is marijuana addictive—this remains one of the most debated questions out there. While some people believe that cannabis is not addictive, some research has shown that it can be addictive for certain people.

A 2020 study has highlighted that about 9% of weed enthusiasts will become addicted if not responsibly consumed. And those who start using weed before 18, the risk of addiction increases to 17%. Additionally, anyone consuming it frequently will be more likely to develop an addiction than one who has it occasionally, which makes sense. Let’s take a deeper look at the factors surrounding the scenario of is marijuana addictive.

What Does Cannabis Addiction Look Like?

Cannabis addiction may be viewed as a compulsive need for marijuana use more frequently, despite knowing its negative consequences, such as interference with daily activities and relationships. 

Marijuana addiction symptoms may possibly include the following:

  • Cravings
  • Loss of appetite
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia

The reason cannabis becomes addictive is the presence of THC, the psychoactive compound that produces the high. THC affects the brain’s reward system by increasing dopamine levels, creating pleasure and euphoria. 

Over time, the brain may become less responsive to the effects of THC, which in turn will make you take higher doses to achieve the same high. The best way to consume weed is by taking it slow, learning how to cut back, and enjoying it for its benefits instead of abusing its effects.

It’s all about perspective and self-control, which you’ll often find yourself considering when it comes to personal food choices, drinking or cigarette smoking, and lifestyle activities.

– David Gonzales

Read more: How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Your System? Can Drug Tests Detect It? (

The Importance of Precise Dosing and Responsible Use

While the question of is marijuana addictive is a concern some cannabis partakers have, it is typically only a risk for those who overindulge. That’s why you should look at the product’s label to understand the dosing.

Different strains and products may have varying levels of THC and other compounds, which can impact the effects and potential side effects. Therefore, precise dosing is even more essential for the medical use of cannabis. And as for recreational purposes, micro-dosing cannabis is the way to go.

And you won’t have to worry about just how addictive is marijuana if you work with a healthcare provider or an experienced budtender. They can help ensure you use the appropriate strain and dose. So to answer your question of is marijuana addictive, it can be if not consumed responsibly.

For more information on all things weed, head over to our blog.

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