Know Your Cannabis Grow – POSIBL

by Lindsay MacEwan
Grassdoor Know Your Grow
Click the link above or here to join Lindsay as she tours POSIBL Farms located in Salinas California!

Join Grassdoor cannabis expert Lindsay Mac Ewan as she takes you on a virtual farm tour of POSIBL Farms. Located in Salinas Valley which is famously known as the Salad Bowl of the World for its food production, and idyllic climate for growing cannabis. Lindsay is joined by CEO JesĂşs Burrola as he shows us the ins and outs of the POSIBL operation from seed to sale and what makes their operation unique. Learn how the latest agricultural technology meets tried and true farming methods to create truly exceptional cannabis and what it really takes to deliver the goods. The more you know about your cannabis grow, the better!

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Grassdoor Interview – POSIBL

I’m Lindsay I’m from Grassdoor and today we are here with Jesus from possible we’re in the beautiful county of Salinas California. It’s warm and we’re here in this greenhouse. I see lights, I see these babies are really happy and I feel like we have a lot to talk about.

I can’t wait to show you around some of the cool things we got going on.

We start very few things from seed most of what we start is through cuttings or clones. The reason why we do that is, if we were to start by seed we’d be brothers and sisters. We might have the same mom or dad but my brother might be a foot taller or a foot shot shorter than me, he might have curly hair. What we’re ultimately looking for in large-scale cultivations is consistency. We want every plant to be the same height so we’re actually trying to create something that is identical. Everything about the the plant is about developing the root system. Another way to think about this is how you feed a newborn baby, you can’t hand it a piece of meat and some veggies and expect to eat. The baby doesn’t have teeth. So what do you do? You feed it through a water bottle or you know through a milk bottle. You’re allowing it to feed at the best rate it can.

A farm that runs like a factory

POSIBL basically runs like a factory. It’s all about not having downtime in a greenhouse, so we want to harvest and the next day we want to move in plants. This means we of the clones that we’ve taken we know exactly what route they’re gonna go. Three months from now, if you look at our schedule, we’re basically taking clones every other day. We’re taking cuts from a plant that are ultimately going to end up somewhere along the process in cultivation. A lot of the strains and genetics that are available now is because there’s a breeder community that push those things forward for generations and generations. What this allows us to do is to give back to that community and we’re able to produce some of those genetics at scale and pay a royalty to those Legacy breeders.

Grassdoor Cannabis Delivery

Love that you’re doing that. There’s so much to be said about the legacy of all of the genetics and where all that stems from. Where are we without our genetics? It’s a very important part.

Not like big AG

That is part of what makes cannabis so interesting it’s not like big AG(agriculture). There are maybe three or four strains of tomatoes or grapes that everybody grows. You know what a Gala apple is because everybody grows it and you can find it in every Supermarket. However, with cannabis you’ll find this in our library and we have about 50 different genetics that we will grow along with things that are in R&D. Menus are constantly evolving, there’s really not a lot of things that last in our menu more than a year so.

Grassdoor Cannabis Delivery

Looking throughout the farm I see there’s a lot of different plants that are interwoven. They’re definitely not cannabis. Tell me why you’ve got all these plants in here?

Don’t worry we’re not in the flash pepper business quite yet. This is really has to do with the way we fight pest and diseases. In legal cannabis we don’t have access to traditional pesticides that a lot of big AG would use. In many ways legal cannabis is much cleaner than organic. We get tested for things like pesticides in a parts per billion. Much more stringent than even organic food that you would buy in Whole Foods, per se. That forces us to fight pests and diseases through nature. These are actually banker plants which helps raise colonies of good beneficial insects that will then go attack the pest and diseases that attack cannabis.

Fighting nature with nature

I love that fighting nature with nature. This is a greenhouse technically right? I think there’s some confusion because I see lights and a lot of people don’t think “lights” when they hear greenhouse. Tell me a little bit about what’s the supplemental lighting all about.

Really it’s about being able to push the plant to its maximum expression. What we’re doing here is taking the best of both worlds. We’re taking the natural elements that you can get out of a great climate zone using available sunlight. Then also adding technology to be able to push the plant to its maximum amount of light that it can absorb.

Processing cannabis

There’s a lot going on in this room. What what goes on in here?

This is our processing facility. Everything after greenhouse post harvest happens in this room. On any given day we’ll be deleafing plants from a harvest. We have our dry room in the back which is where we’ll immediately put the plants after harvest day. We’re also trimming all the beautiful flower and ultimately we will end up getting packaged into different products for folks. There are a lot of folks that work in this facility. It runs two shifts eight hours each so there’s close to 100 people that work in this facility. uh trimming packaging and harvesting plants.

Grassdoor Cannabis Delivery

This is the last touch the hand trimming.

Jesus thank you so much for the tour today. I can say with certainty that everything I’ve seen and everything you’re doing with so much care to what you’re putting into the plants here. One of our biggest things that we focus on at Grassdoor is ensuring that the quality of what we bring to our customers is the best of the business. I feel so grateful to have seen the POSIBL facility because it solidifies the fact that quality is exactly what we have here.

No, thank you. It was my pleasure to host Grassdoor. It takes a village and so we can’t put this out without a great partner as well to put in the hands of people. Grassdoor is a company that we are super stoked to be work working with. Thank you.

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